
The 2020 environmental performance has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the partial closures of the centre. As a result, we have seen a significant decline in our energy and water use and waste generation.

Cabot Circus is a Hammerson-operated shopping centre. As a business, we aim to create retail destinations that deliver net positive impacts economically, socially and environmentally, through leading-edge design, operational efficiency and a culture of respect and responsibility. By 2030 we will aim to be a Net Positive company for carbon, resource use, water and socio-economic impacts.

Follow the Hammerson journey here, with access to key documents, our latest performance data and updates on our company initiatives. At Cabot Circus we are working to reduce our environmental impact.

In 2020 we achieved the below savings in comparison to the previous year:

Energy consumption Our electricity consumption was 2,833,887 kWh, which is a 13% reduction from 2019. This reduction is equivalent to supplying energy for 135 houses.

Water consumption We have saved 38% on our water consumption, which is the equivalent to 4 Olympic sized swimming pools.

Recycling We recycled 65% of our waste. 735 tonnes of waste was recycled which is the equivalent weight of 4 blue whales.

Socio-economic Our Positive Places Plan created each year underpins our community engagement activity. Through engagement with local schools, partners and stakeholders, we build a positive relationship with the local community.

Our key projects in 2021 include:

Reducing electricity consumption by switching to LED lighting in our Back of House areas. Increasing recycling rates and reducing carbon by recycling coffee cups disposed of in the Centre. Increasing biodiversity through various projects around the centre. In 2021 we will continue to support Community of Purpose through sponsorship of the Bristol Young Heroes Awards and support young people into work through our work experience opportunities.
